
GasMate Beta .25c

by on Jun.21, 2009, under GasMate

Ok everyone…..import is working! However, I have changed the format slightly to make this easier to parse, so exports must be done from this version or higher to be re-imported.  They will NOT overwrite current entries, but if there is a match a message will come up and it will not be entered. The format for the CSV is as follows:

Export from GasMate Beta .25b

,Date,ODO,Gallons,Price/Gal,Fuel Type,Total Cost,MPG,Gal/100mi
G,”2009-06-21 12:43:53″,”2345234″,”23″,”23″,”Premium(91)”,”529″,”First”,”First”

,ODO,Work Done,Date,Notes,
M,”23423″,”Oil Change”,”2009-06-21 12:43:53″,”notes lulz”

The G and M in front tell the program that it is a gas or maint row. The last two values in the gas table are NOT necessary in that the program calculates them when it runs, so if you are importing from other data you do not need to worry about them.

Other notes:

  • Changed Date format to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss (fixes bugs when people override date in NLS)
  • Added warning before nuking full table


Please let me know how it works out!


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